Mocha Latte....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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                                                                                              Avon Mocha Latte

I have really sensitive eyes, and i was using only Artdeco eyeshadows for years....but when my sister showed me this palette from Avon, i fell in love instantly in these beautiful colors!I've tried them, and everything was fine, so i needed to buy one! :) Im using it almost every day, so i wanted to share this with you, and it only cost something around 5-6 euros! :**
Već par godina unazad sam koristila isključivo Artdeco senke, jer imam jako osetljive oči, pa ne eksperimentišem mnogo. Ali kada mi je sestra pokazala ovu Avon paletu boja, morala sam istog trenutka da je probam! Neželjenih reakcija nije bilo, te sam odmah naručila ovo divno pakovanje, koje itekako podseća na Chanel! :) Prelepe boje, odlična postojanost, praktična kutijica i super cena, priznajem da sam oduševljena! Mocha Latte je za svaku preporuku, pa sam želela da podelim sa vama! :)

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